Where Art Thou Farro?


Farro. It’s a cereal grain that could punt white rice to garbage cans off the Amalfi Coast (buoyant, obedient garbage cans that is).

Farro is an italian piece of awesomeness that can noticeably dominate other common grains. Let’s just say it’s the kale of grains. Cray, right? It’s just. true.

It brings it all to the table. Literally. It’s refreshing with a hint of a nutty flavor but tastes just natural enough not to steal the show. According to Rachael Ray experts, farro has four times as much fiber as white rice! Fantastic four. It also has a ton of magnesium which can help reduce stress and relieve muscle tension. And who doesn’t need that?

It goes with everything! Farro can be added to any of your favorite vegetables, soups, salads and Italian dishes to give you that delicious enriching carb that you need.

I recently had a farro dish with kale, tomatoes, basil, and lemon olive oil, and it solidified my newfound love for this grain.

You have to try it as soon as you can physically get to a market.

It is delicious. It is healthy. It is CRAY.

For more info on farro and farro recipes, check out the following articles from some pretttyyy reliable sources:

Rachael loves farro.

Oprah loves farro.

Giada loves farro.

HuffPost loves farro.

Feeling Large and in Charge?

Yeah, me too. 

It’s a terrible feeling to feel bigger than you actually are. If you’re like me, you’ve read infinity plus one articles on “the key” to losing that weight. Well if that’s the case then there are a ridiculous amount of keys and I’m just not taking advantage of them. But after trial and error of every diet and workout plan, I’ve found the locksmith of them all. BRACE YOURSELVES readers, the ultimate solution is upon you! It is simple and it is the following… 

Eat a whole lot less, workout a ton, and don’t drink alcohol. 

Boom. 3 things. Easy right? Falsettoooooo. False McFalsies. But it’s doable! And you actually get results. It’s a dream, I know. Something that actually works. 

Let me break each one down for you so you can see just exactly what I mean and how possible each one can be.

Eat a whole lot less.

Fun Size it! Cut your meals in half and still hit all the major food groups with protein dominating the rest! 

If you’re at a healthy BMI, you probably eat decent sized meals 3 times a day with an occasion snack and maybe baby bites of a guilty pleasure dessert every now and then. And these meals are healthy aren’t they? You watch what you eat but you’re still eating the same amount. And that’s good! That’s healthy! But to lose weight, I’ve found you have to reduce the portion size substantially from each meal. 

It’s about counting calories and hitting the right food groups. Protein is your new best friend. The more protein you eat and the less carbs, fruit, and even vegetables the more likely you are to kickstart your weight loss. This does help! Your carb intake must be itsy bitsy compared to your other food groups. You still need it to survive and be healthy and honestly, to not go insane but it should definitely be smaller than the others. Fruit is AWESOME. Fruit has a lot of sugar so that needs to be reduced but guess what you still need that too so you don’t have to cut it all out. Vegetables for the most part are pretty O.K. Medium portions will do, but any large amount will definitely set you off. 

BUT THE BIGGEST PART OF ALL THESE FOOD SHENANIGANS is the portion size. You can eat super freaking healthy and eat the same size meals as you did before you committed to losing weight and it will take FOREVER to see results. Unless you already eat super unhealthy, you’re not going to see a huge difference. Maybe a few pounds (which is soooo awesome) but if you want to get going on a more drastic weight loss, you need to make everything small. Fun size it!

Work out a ton.

A ton, people. A ton. Regardless of where you’re starting from, you’re going to have to boost your physical activity like CRAY. If you’ve never gone on a run or “worked out” before, it’s going to be rough my young grasshopper. If you work out 4 to 6 times a week, you have to boost your routine to something out of this world. 

Cardio meets strength. They fall in love. They have a child. Its name is Weight Loss. (They went with a double name… fancy parentals). This fam is a package deal. You can’t lose a substantial amount of weight without both cardio and strength. This took me forever to learn but I think I’m finally starting to get it. You can run 30 minutes a day every day and see some pounds start to peel off but you may plateau at some point. In the rare case, you’re a cross country runner or run over 5 miles a day. Then you’re probably very skinny and enjoy a bowl of ice cream every night and I envy you. But for the average young and middle aged woman, running that far every day is seriously very difficult. Trust me. One time, I ran 6 miles. One. Time. And dang did I feel like a million bucks. A million bucks whose legs feel like the classic 90’s jellies. And then I didn’t run for 3 days because I could barely walk. 

So for us average folk, we need some way of working out that will work with our lifestyle and not make us feel like we finna pass. out. For me, I devote at least an hour to every workout. At least. Typically I stick with 45 minutes of cardio and 15 strength training. If you can, try to make 2 of those workouts a week an hour and a half – 1 hour cardio (30 one type, 30 another type), 20 strength training, 10 stretching. That to me is a solid workout. For the types of cardio, I recommend 30 minute run and a 30 minute machine. It seems pretty simple, but it’s hard. If you keep pushing yourself throughout the process and mentally keep track of the numbers, you will be done before you know it. 

Also a 1 hour strength and cardio workout combined with a pilates or yoga class is AMAZING for weight loss. I find that working out in a group class setting pushes you towards excellence. It keeps your mind off the struggle because honestly most of the time, it’s all mental. Most of the time, you CAN run that extra mile.

Like I said, it’s a pretty big time commitment. If you want this weight loss enough, you can and will make the time for it. Also, enjoy yourself! Working out shouldn’t be painful all the time. That’s no way to live anyways. Do what you can with what you have and never ever underestimate your powers. Impossible. Is. Nothing. (not stealing this from you Adidas!)

Don’t drink alcohol.

Ugh but wine is soooo good. Wine is really, just really great. Here’s my thing: You have to drink responsibly. Sorry to use the quintessential alcohol brand’s go-to slogan, but it’s so true. If you drink responsibly, you will know how many calories are in what you’re drinking, how much is too much, and what mixers to just never ever touch. You can have fun and not gain weight! Woo! And if you’re not going out a whole lot, then you’ve already got a head start on this whole weight loss thing. Alcohol has a ton of calories. Vodka has about 64 calories in 1 fl oz. Awesome right? But everyone’s got to live a little. You don’t have to cut it out completely. Just be responsible and reduce the calories in everything you mix it with. Wine’s another thing. An average glass of Chardonnay has about 123 calories. This can be good though! If you want just a little something after work while you catch up on the news or watch the Bachelorette (guilty pleasure), a glass of wine isn’t going to hurt your weight loss plan. Too many restrictions on your path to weight loss will more than likely cause you to break it and break it baaaad. I’m talking bowls on bowls on bowls of that ice cream stuff. #notworthit #evencookiesandcream

I hope this was helpful for young women like me who are looking for weight loss answers! We are not alone in this and these lbs can be conquered! I preach it to the skies! WE CAN DO THIS.



Scorsese, DiCaprio, McConaughey… Oh. Yes.

Yes. Leonardo and Matthew in one movie. This isn’t a dream. It’s a Scorsese creation that might just blow our minds into little dollar bill confetti.

The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the life of Jordan Belfort. The story takes you through the successes and failures of Belfort as he uses his persuasive talents to make his way to the top… and to the bottom. Basically, he was the evil, alcoholic Beyonce of Wall Street. Minus all the talent. He rules the 1990’s as a boss. It’s obvious that no one other than the charming, dominant Leo would take on this role.

I mean that in the most positive sense. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the greatest actors of the present yet finds a way to master each role in a fresh, unique way. It doesn’t hurt that he’s ridiculously attractive. Ya, that definitely helps.

And Matthew McConaughey? Yes please. For me, McConaughey broke out as an outstanding film actor in Lincoln Lawyer. His execution in Magic Mike wasn’t too shabby either. Also, another one with the looks. So we’re a little happy with that.

Jonah Hill is always a crowd pleaser. His small role in Django Unchained brought the actor more seriously into the drama genre of major motion pictures. Seeing him in a supporting role is all too impressive. Props to you funny man.

But out of all these great supporting factors, the trailer is what one me over. And it should be! The theatrical marketing geniuses behind this creation really got their stuff right. It appeals to all audiences. You don’t have to know a thing about the history of the Financial District to want another taste of this movie.

I’m SO excited to see this. Martin Scorsese has never been one to disappoint. How could he fail us now?
The Wolf of Wall Street has set a general release date of November 15, 2013. This trailer is so good that I could definitely watch it until then.

Trailer link right here!

Enjoy young grasshoppers. Tis a crazy, beautiful (lookin at you Leo) thing.


Here’s to Being Alive!

Take a breath. You are alive.

Your life, in this wonderful world, is incredible. You are placed on this beautiful Earth and right now, you are alive.

You, yes, YOU. can make choices. You can decide what action you will make. You can decide where to go from this very moment. Your life is in the palm of your hands. No one can stop you from making your life the most amazing, joyous adventure to ever exist.

Forget the past. Yes, it has shaped you in some way. Maybe it was great. Maybe it wasn’t so great. But, it is behind you. The only way is forward. You have a future and it is yours.

CrayFoolery is a refreshing, fun and informative digital collaboration for inspiration and creativity. CF is meant to be an online hub of enjoyment for anyone in need of an extra motivational push, a current events update or just a good laugh.

We hope that our posts give you a daily release. We love life and want you to too! No tension. No confusion. No stress.

There’s something here for everyone so take a look around.

Our motto is simple and so are we: Take a breath. You are alive.

– CF