Scorsese, DiCaprio, McConaughey… Oh. Yes.

Yes. Leonardo and Matthew in one movie. This isn’t a dream. It’s a Scorsese creation that might just blow our minds into little dollar bill confetti.

The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the life of Jordan Belfort. The story takes you through the successes and failures of Belfort as he uses his persuasive talents to make his way to the top… and to the bottom. Basically, he was the evil, alcoholic Beyonce of Wall Street. Minus all the talent. He rules the 1990’s as a boss. It’s obvious that no one other than the charming, dominant Leo would take on this role.

I mean that in the most positive sense. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the greatest actors of the present yet finds a way to master each role in a fresh, unique way. It doesn’t hurt that he’s ridiculously attractive. Ya, that definitely helps.

And Matthew McConaughey? Yes please. For me, McConaughey broke out as an outstanding film actor in Lincoln Lawyer. His execution in Magic Mike wasn’t too shabby either. Also, another one with the looks. So we’re a little happy with that.

Jonah Hill is always a crowd pleaser. His small role in Django Unchained brought the actor more seriously into the drama genre of major motion pictures. Seeing him in a supporting role is all too impressive. Props to you funny man.

But out of all these great supporting factors, the trailer is what one me over. And it should be! The theatrical marketing geniuses behind this creation really got their stuff right. It appeals to all audiences. You don’t have to know a thing about the history of the Financial District to want another taste of this movie.

I’m SO excited to see this. Martin Scorsese has never been one to disappoint. How could he fail us now?
The Wolf of Wall Street has set a general release date of November 15, 2013. This trailer is so good that I could definitely watch it until then.

Trailer link right here!

Enjoy young grasshoppers. Tis a crazy, beautiful (lookin at you Leo) thing.


Here’s to Being Alive!

Take a breath. You are alive.

Your life, in this wonderful world, is incredible. You are placed on this beautiful Earth and right now, you are alive.

You, yes, YOU. can make choices. You can decide what action you will make. You can decide where to go from this very moment. Your life is in the palm of your hands. No one can stop you from making your life the most amazing, joyous adventure to ever exist.

Forget the past. Yes, it has shaped you in some way. Maybe it was great. Maybe it wasn’t so great. But, it is behind you. The only way is forward. You have a future and it is yours.

CrayFoolery is a refreshing, fun and informative digital collaboration for inspiration and creativity. CF is meant to be an online hub of enjoyment for anyone in need of an extra motivational push, a current events update or just a good laugh.

We hope that our posts give you a daily release. We love life and want you to too! No tension. No confusion. No stress.

There’s something here for everyone so take a look around.

Our motto is simple and so are we: Take a breath. You are alive.

– CF